一. 甲狀腺解剖:
1. 分成幾個部分: 兩側的lateral lobe, 中間連接的isthmus, 大概50%的人會有的pyramidal lobe(往上延伸)
2. 血液供應:
(1) 動脈: superior thyroid arteries 以及 inferior thyroid arteries
(2) 靜脈: superior thyroid veins, middle thyroid veins 以及 inferior thyroid veins
3. 淋巴循環:
(1) first-echelon nodes: level 6 (這個在頭頸部裡面也是比較少碰到的neck level)
(2) second-echelon nodes: levels 3, 4, supraclavicular nodes, level 7 (upper mediastinal nodes); 比較少見的是 level 2 以及 level 14. 顯微結構(microscopic anatomy):
(1) follicle (thyroglobulin)
(2)follicular cells: 分泌follicle (thyroglobulin);thyroxine (3,5,3′,5′ iodothyronine or T4) and tri-iodothyronine (3,5,3′ iodothyronine or T3)
(3) para-follicular cell: 分泌calcitonin
二. 甲狀腺癌病理分類: 甲狀腺癌病理上可以分成以下幾種:
1. Follicular Epithelial Cell:
(1) Well-differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC)
a. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC): Classic; Follicular variant; Oncocytic variant; Unfavorable variants
b. Follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC): Classic; Hurthle cell carcinoma
(2) Poorly differentiated thyroid cancer (PDTC): Insular carcinoma
(3) Undifferentiated thyroid cancer: Anaplastic carcinoma
2. Parafollicular C-cell: Medullary carcinoma
三. 治療方式:
1. 手術: 不管是哪一種病理分類, 主要的治療方式都是手術, total thyroidectomy, 通常不會做neck dissection, 除非一開始影像上就有看到淋巴腫大
2. I-131:
=> 通常手術後, 會測定 TSH, Tg 以及 Antithyroglobulin antibodies, 如果數值上有異常, 會加做 RAI(radioactive iodine)
=> 或者是術後病理上腫瘤比較大, 淋巴結比較多顆, 或者有ENE, 也可以考慮做I-131
3. EBRT: 通常是在確定腫瘤對I-131(可以利用 I-131 的影像來做確認) 沒有反應的時候, 才會考慮做體外放療!
1. Perez and Brady's radiation oncology 7th edition
2. NCCN guideline