2017年6月23日 星期五

useful computer science open course

1. computer science theory:

(1) algorithm and data structure:

a. algorithm(from NCTU in Mandarin): cover the basic of algorithm, move in a reasonable pace,can be used as the first course in algortihm

b. Introduction to Algorithms(MIT): one of the lecturer is the author of the introduction to algortihm(CLRS), so you should use it with the algorithm bible(CLRS), and you will find it is really useful. However, the material is somewhat hard, maybe this should be your second OCW of data structure and algorithm

c. Computational Geometry(from edx in Mandarin): a good course on computatational geometry, use the beatiful picture to cover the core concept of the algorithm

d. Algorithms on Strings(coursera): week 3 is a good tutorial of the KMP algorithm

(2) linear algebra:

a. Linear Algebra(MIT): teach by the world-famous professor, Gilbert Strang, this course is fun and easy to understand, this course emphasize to build your math sence without too much proof, highly recommended

(3) discrete math:

a. Mathematics for Computer Science(MIT): a great course covers many aspect of computer science, even cover the Akra-Bazzi theorem

(4) computer architecure:

a. computer organization(from NTHU in Mandarin): this course covers the key concept of the subject bible,"computer organization and design",the professor keeps asking question to the student, also help the viewer to think about the logic behind computer design, highly recommended!

(5) operating system:

a. Operating Systems(from sharecourse in Mandarin): use the slide from the most popular OS book,"Operating system concepts", the professor almost cover all the material of the first 2/3 part of the book, highly recommended!

(6) artificial intelligence:

a. Intro to artificial intelligence(from Udacity): offered by Stanford, and one of the lecturer, Peter Norvig, is the author of the AI bible,"Artificial Intelligence:Modern approach", this course is base the book. Excellent course with easy-understanding teaching, highly recommended.

b. learning from data(from Caltech): offered by Caltech, a really good introduction to machine learning, highly recommended. If you got the companion textbook, "Learning from data, a short course", the learning process will be faster!! 

(7) database:

a. databases (Stanford): currently viewed as the best DB class on the internet, highly recommended.

2. programming language:

(1) c/c++:

a. C++ Programming (from edx in Madarin): very thorough course in C++, go from the basic to very deep concept, cover OOP, STL.


a.Intro to Java programming(Udacity): a beginer course in Java, help you to build the OOP concept, highly recommened

b. Software Construction in Java(edx): not only cover the Java language, but also the concept of the software engineering, such as version control(git), unit test; really good course, highly recommedned for people who has former programming experience!



a. android basic: user interface(Udacity):  It's a great course, which teachs the XML, which constitute the layout of android

b. android basic:user input(Udacity): It's also a great course, which teachs you how to make interactive app;
p.s. I only recommend this two, because the learning curve is really deep in the sequel!

(5)version control

a. How to use git and github(Udacity): excellent course in git and github, practice git with the vedio, and after you complete the vedio, you will find that you know how to use git well!

