2019年9月11日 星期三

[radiation oncology] resource for radiation oncologist

The resource listed below will be updated continuously, if any recommendation, please inform me.

1. contouring:

(1) Target Volume Delineation for Conformal and Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy: This is the newest book I can find in this topic, this book is well-organized, and cover many topics. The author Nancy Lee said that there may be a new contouring book coming soon.

(2) econtouring: a website of interactive contouring, cover many types of cancer, also some OAR delineation

(3) RTOG: many contouring guideline was published by this group

(4) head and neck OAR in green journal : published in 2015, very detailed

2. radiobiology:

(1) radiobiology for radiologists: currently in 8th edition, easily to understand

(2) basic clinical radiobiology: deeper than radiobiology for radiologists, but contain many mathematics formula, which helps understanding

3. physics:

(1) Khan's the physics of radiation therapy: viewed as the bible of radiation therapy physics, the author try to target many audience, but I think some of the details need to be looked up in other textbook.

(2) The Physics & Technology of Radiation Therapy, 2nd Edition: written for resident doctor, easily understood, but some of the formula wasn't written in calculus, so lose some of rigorousness, but still good introductory book!

(3) radiation oncology physics, handbook for teachers and students: a text book offered by IAEA, it is written in very detail way, a really good supplement to the previous two book, but it is somewhat old, published in 2005, it's free.

4. clinical practice:

(1) NCCN guideline: a world-wide guideline for cancer treatment, it is free and continuously updated.

5. resource list provided by other website:

(1) ACRO resource list: provided by American college of radiation oncology, very useful!

6. diagnostic radiology: a good radiation oncologist should also be familiar with many kinds of diagnostic modalities

(1) ABR diagnostic radiology core exam (radiographics): preparation material provided by radiographics, very useful !! (p.s. radiographics is one of the official journal of RSNA)

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